Sunday, October 8, 2017

Bushiroad Championship Series Autum Circuit - Phillipines Buddyfight Top 3 Decklists

Hello Buddyfighters! The qualifiers the Philippines wrapped up and we were able to get the top 3 decklists!  The total player count of this tournament was 63 and a deck no one would have ever expected made it to the position of Champion for this tournament.  That deck was none other then Professor Menjo the deck!  This is a very impressive feat as although the deck does have power plays there are a ton of other decks that can annihilate the competition in a single turn or out-resource the Menjo deck so being able to get 1st place at a BCS tournament is very impressive.  We have also seen the rise of a deck that is very popular over in japan which is a mix of EDD support (mainly gaen) with black dragons to create a very strong control deck which got 3rd place!  Only time will tell if the rise of this new deck which can be referred to as Abygaen is just a craze or if it is actually the next big meta deck!  Not forgetting second place we got Neo Zwei which continues to show its prevalence.  Now for what you guys truly came to see; here are the top 3 decklists!

Josel's 1st Place Menjo Decklist

Joshua's 2nd Place Neo Zwei Decklist

Firdaus' 3rd Place Abygaen Decklist!