Sunday, December 22, 2019

Malaysia BCS results

Hey Buddyfighters. Today we are bringing you the results from the Malaysian BCS. A suprised outcome of Thunder empires taking the gold.
First place decklist

2nd place decklist
3rd place decklist

We hope you enjoyed this post.

Signing off

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What defines a great player?

Hello Buddyfighters, today we are here bringing you a slightly different kind of article. We will be discussing some of the traits and characteristics of a good player. These traits are not based on their skill level in the game but as a human being. Without further ado lets begin!

"A great player is not the one who wins his games, but is the one who wins his opponent's respect". 

The first and most controversial topic is sportsmanship. In our opinion, a player who wins by Rulesharking or disrespecting their opponents should never be proud of their achievements. Even if you have lost in a very terrible manner such as bad draws or to top draws, be a good sport and offer a handshake and say good game to your opponent. We can assure you the opponent will subconsciously have developed respect for you as a player when you do that. Rulesharking is another way a player can lose all the respect they have. Rulesharking to win is the same as cheating and it shows that your are the most desperate and worst kind of player. If you are really as good as you think you are, you should have confidence in your abilities and not resort to Rulesharking. Examples of Rulesharking can be things like not allowing minor replays that does not affect the game state or things like calling judge for not resting their Buddy when Buddy calling. If you want respect, you must prove that you deserve it.

Second trait is adapting. There have been many cases where a players quits the game because the meta has become stale or the game is lacking skills. Well, if you look at the winners so far in BCS, most of them are repetitive winners and that shows that the game still requires skill. Quitting the game because your favorite deck lacks support or because the game is lacking skills just shows that you are unable to accept changes.  A good player will continue to prove himself that he is good regardless of how "bad" the meta is.

The third trait is to not have a high ego level. We have come across players who top once in an event and start to act as though they are the best player in the world. They refuse to take any positive criticism from others and refuse to accept suggestions from others. This causes them to continuously lose and they start to blame the meta for being bad and that the game takes no skill. But the truth of the matter is that they cant bring themselves to accept ideas that are different from theirs. A good player will always have intense discussions and brainstorming with his trusted friends to improve himself.

The fourth trait is being secretive. This is a common trait among many less successful players. Remember the quote "Practice makes perfect"? Some players will think of a new strategy or card and will refuse to reveal it untill the day of the tournament and will realize it does not actually work as well as they thought it would. This is because they were so secretive that they did not have enough testing with people and that resulted in their downfall. A great player will always have a small group of friends whom he tests his decks with and together they can improve as a team. We have gotten great success in our Buddyfight careers when we started sharing our decklists with each other for suggestions.

The last trait is to impart your knowledge to new players. This will immediately make new players look up to you as a person. We as Buddyfighters must grow the community together. By giving advise to new players, we ourselves can learn new things sometimes. A great player will be proud when the player he taught becomes a champion one day. When you become a decent player, stay humble and help others. remember, you also started as a new player and worked your way up. People who helps others tend to be respected more in the community.

With that we can conclude by saying that respecting others and staying humble is more important than actually being good at the game. you can have 20 achievements, but if none of them reflects respect then its the same as not having any. You want to be known as the great player who won many events and be remembered as a player who has impacted many in this game .

Signing off

Saturday, November 30, 2019

BCS Indonesia results

Hey Buddyfighters! Today we are bringing you the results from BCS Indonesia which took place on 23rd November 2019. Idols took the win but Demonlords to everyone's surprise got 2nd!

Deo's 3rd place deck

Rinaldo Giovanni's 2nd place deck

Mohammad Ridwan's 1st place deck

We hope you enjoyed this post. Do like us on our facebook page for more!

Signing out

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Top Dogs of the Meta

Hello Buddyfighters! Today we are bringing you a Meta update post so that you can have knowledge of what decks are winning. We will be showcasing what are the best decks to play if you are planning to go to a regional in the hopes of winning. We hope this information becomes useful for your regionals that are happening right now.

First up we have....

Image result for roselia bang dream yukina minato buddyfight

Roselia have been proven to be the best Band among the crossover set and has won a few regionals or placed very high. The deck has insane offense with the ability of the flag which allows five monsters on the field and also has insane draw power and filter power. It is no surprise that this deck is at Tier 1 as the pure advantage created through its cards are unrivaled by many decks. With the decks ability to search any band it want using Live House"Circle", the consistency of the deck is increased by a significant amount. Once you get the full formation out, your entire field becomes immune to destruction, bounce and ability nullify. Along with Yukina Minato's offense and defense boost to all your cards, its easy to take down an opponent with even 20 or more life! Not to mention the deck itself gains tons of life making it harder for the opponent to kill you. They also have access to the spell "Party at Circle" which lets you survive the turn for sure by returning your dropzone back to your deck. This allows you to generate your advantage yet again thanks to all the cards going back to your deck. Players will find it very difficult to take down the life points of Roselia due to the amount of defensive options and constant life gain they have.The one card that lets this deck face Dimension Dragons with ease is "Costumes for a new holy war",which stands all Roselia on your field as well as give you and extra attack phase, effectively countering D.Alteration.

Vile Demonic Dragon, Vanity Husk Destroyer (SP), Future Card BuddyFight, Dimension Destroyer

Next up we have our Dimension Dragons. This archtype has been around for more than a year now and is still proving to be one of the best decks due to its ability to easily access the most powerful cards in Buddyfight aka Lost world. No other decks currently can turbo into lost world as fast as Dimension Dragons can. Dimension Dragons are one deck that lets you play a wide variety of Lost world builds which can be decided based on your preference.  They also have access to one of the format's most feared card, D.Alteration. Dimension Dragons also have access to cards such as Dragotrap which is amazing against decks like Athora. The most valuable player in the deck would be Disturb Hand Dragon. With decks now having access to so much draw power and also being overly relying on draw power, Disturb Hand is the most prime candidate to play in this deck. There are some decks that can handle him but some decks will simply be unable to do anything when he is called. This allows the Dimension Dragon player to farm enough to go into a very strong belost turn where the opponent has no advantage and will be unable to stop them. They are able to shut down any multi attack decks with ease thanks to D.Alteration.Going into lost world is also very easy now thanks to D.Zenith. With insane amount of advantage created through their monsters and spell combined with the Dragon world's powerful cards, Dimension Dragons will be a very solid deck for a long time.

BFE X-BT04/BR02EN BR Heavenly Crystal Dragon, Aldo Athora

The next deck we have at tier 1 is Prism Dragons. With blazing Overclash, Prism Dragons easily became one of the best decks in the game thanks to the amount of tool boxing they obtained. They are now able to run one of each Athora and consistently get them out every game. Kalvados SD is a new card that toolboxes into any Athora or item and also reduces the gauge cost by 2 for all Athoras. The new Aldo Athora's overturn gives you guaranteed survival for the turn and essentially gives you a free turn to generate more advantage. Prism Dragon's key card which was in the watchlist at one point is Eternity Ring. That card alone is the reason why Prism Dragon is one of the most feared decks in the game. With the new Overkill Athora's Ability, all damage you deal cannot be reduced and that makes Eternity Ring even more powerful now.  Blazing overclash also brought upon us cards like Iris Ilac which is essentially a Superhero time for Dungeon/Star Dragon world. The strategy for Prism Dragons now is to win using multiple Eternity Rings or you stall until you draw your lost world flag. They also have the spell Jewelknight Kickoff, which is similar to Roselia's Party at Circle spell, allowing them to survive an extra turn essentially giving them two free turns to farm as much as they want. Once you go into lost world, you are able to use Vanity Zero blazer without the fear of its damage being reduced thanks to Athora's Overkill ability. The deck has a very good match up against Dimension Dragons but unfortunately has a rough match up against Black org.

Image result for detective conan black organization buddyfight

The last deck we have is Black Organization. The first ever crossover deck to be released and not many know how strong this deck is. The biggest myth about this deck is that it looses to "Loyalty". This is far from the truth as all the calling abilities are counter which means they can be used during the opponent turn. So Loyalty simply delays the inevitable against this deck. They have the ability to generate massive advantage and clear board during both turns leaving the opponent wide open. in our opinion, this is a very high skill cap deck and that puts them in a very high spot in the tier list. The deck beats decks like Athora easily as Athora can only use its overturn during the opponent's turn and black org is able to drop the souls and get rid of Athora during your turn. The deck however has an extremely rough time against Roselia as they have anti destruction, bounce and ability nullify. But Black Org can easily beat all the other decks due to the multi call and various disruptive skills. The deck requires a high amount of knowledge in play timings to fully make use of the cards.

So in conclusion, These are the 4 best decks to play for your tournaments. We are not saying these are the only decks that lets you win, but these have a higher win percentage compared to the rest. If you do not want to stress yourself about what to play then just choose any one of these decks and you should do decent.

Honorable mentions:

Jack knife
Evil Demon Dragons

Thanks for reading

Keep on Buddyfighting~

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Double regionals results post

Hey Buddyfighters!

Today we are bringing you results from two different regionals in one post! Since the regionals were just one week apart,the winners preferred not to share their lists until both are over so we had to respect their decision and wait another week! But do not worry! We here have the results for both the Philippines and Singapore regionals now! Enjoy.


3rd place Philippines deck

2nd Place Philippines deck

1st Place Philippines deck

3rd runner up Singapore deck

                                 We were unable to contact the 2nd place winner(Roselia deck)

1st Place Singapore deck 

Thanks for reading! Do follow us for more winning decklists and articles about Buddyfight.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

BCS Secaucus New Jersey Top 5 Decklists!`

Hello Buddyfighters!

          With the weekend now over and the most recent Bushiroad Championship Series event taking place in Secaucus, New Jersey, USA we have obtained the decklists of fighters placing from 1st-5th!  The event had 101 players and took place in 6 rounds of swiss.  Below are the images of the decklists from Top 8 that were obtained with 1st being at the top and 5th being at the bottom. 

Prism Dragon [Athora] 1st Place Main Deck [Akihito Yang]
Prism Dragon [Athora] 1st Place Lost Deck [Akihito Yang]
Prism Dragon [Athora] 1st Place Side Deck [Akihito Yang]

Magic Garga FTK 2nd Place Deck [Justin Robinson]

Dimension Dragon 3rd Place Main Deck [Mike Franquet]
Dimension Dragon 3rd Place Lost Deck [Mike Franquet]

Shiden ElectroDeity 4th Place Main Deck [Joseph Grayson]
Shiden ElectroDeity 4th Place Lost Deck [Joseph Grayson]

Link Dragon Order 5th Place Main Deck [Matthew Bernardo]
Link Dragon Order 5th Place Lost Deck [Matthew Bernardo]
Link Dragon Order 5th Place Side Deck [Matthew Bernardo]

Thank you guys for checking us out and hope you enjoyed this news update on the Buddyfight competitive scene!  Be sure to check out the Facebook (@ and be sure to stay tuned as we have an upcoming BCS next week and some special updates to come!

P.S. Thank you all so much for getting us past 50,000 views!  We couldn't have come this far without the support of this amazing community and we hope to be able to bring you more news!

Friday, August 30, 2019

BT05 War of Dragods Meta

Hey Buddyfighters!

With the release of Future Card Buddyfight Ace's 5th main set, The Buddyfight Meta has moved on from Dimension dragon dominance.  BT05 has brought upon us amazing decks such as Evil Deity Dragons and a never before seen mechanic known as Double Buddy! Although it is early to determine the Meta, This is what we think are the top picks for this set. Do note that with the release of S-BT02A, Blazing overclash, in the next two weeks, The Buddyfight Meta will face a complete shift. This Meta analysis will be useful if you have an upcoming Regionals before S-BT02A. Without further ado,lets see where the decks stand at the current moment.

Tier 1

Dimension Dragons(DD)- This deck is still one of the most reliable deck in the game with the ability to fully abuse the power of lost world and its overpowered cards. With the addition of cards like D.Zenith, The deck's consistency level has increased by a huge amount. And by calling Vanity End Destroyer, it allows you to add any card of choice from the soul every turn. This ensures that you will have the specific card needed for any situation. Making the entire deck an even greater threat then it used to be.

Evil Demon Dragons- This is a brand new deck introduced in BT05. Their unique concept of reaching their full potential when you are at 1 life makes this a very interesting deck to play. With tools like Black Parsol of Eternal Darkness, Umbrell,  You are able to completely control the game from the early stages. It has many great tools that ensures your survival each turn. The main goal of the deck is to reach 1 life as soon as possible and finish the opponent with their trump card, Belial, Which has a critical of 666 and triple attack. The ability to control the opponent's gauge and cards that allow survival of multiple turns makes this deck a very frightening foe.

Horus - A newly introduced concept in Buddyfight where you can have two Buddy! This changed the way Buddyfight was played. The deck has insane draw power and massive board presence. Similar to Link Dragon Order, This deck creates a field full of cards that cannot be destroyed or returned to hand and will have double or triple attack. Being in Legend world also gives it a added bonus of amazing draw support and anti-meta options which lands this at tier 1.

Tier 2 

Detective Conan - Unfortunately with the errata, This deck has dropped in power and popularity. Loyalty hurts this deck even more now since you are unable to pull of the ftk during your opponent's turn now. The deck is still very viable and performs well, but with the weakness of not having Generic cards and being so vulnerable to Loyalty, This deck has dropped to the tier 2 spot.

Astrodragons - Another classic SDW deck that has been seeing less play due to Dimension Dragons speed of reaching lost world and the inability to deal with Lost world consistently. This deck is still very good and is able to close out games in one turn given the right cards. However, it does have the same problem of being stopped by Loyalty as it heavily relies on monsters to do its damage.

Dragon Garga - There are two versions for this deck. One is multi world Garga and the other being Gboost. Both the decks have amazing field control and huge damage output. Whats stopping them from being tier 1 is Battle Phase enders and rest spells, Which significantly limit what the deck can do. That being said, We are still in the debate of whether it should be a tier 1 or tier 2 deck.

Not Categorized Tier

This Tier are decks that are not popular anymore and can be considered as Rouge decks. These decks wont Significantly affect the meta as much as the ones stated in Tier 1 and 2. This is a free for all Tier.

So that is what we think is the Meta for this set. Tier 1 picks are extremely safe choices for regionals.

*Disclaimer*: These are all personal opinions and/or based on statistics from tournaments.

We hope you enjoyed this post and get a better understanding of where each deck stands.

Keep on Buddyfighting~

Friday, August 2, 2019

Preparing for regionals

Hello Buddyfighters!

With Regional qualifiers right around the corner, We will be providing some useful tips on how one can prepare for their upcoming regional and do well in them! We will do a step by step breakdown on what you have to consider if you are hoping to do well and have fun!

Image result for Bushiroad Championship Series 2019
1. Attend as many locals as possible one or two months before the actual event. This will help you analyse and learn the current meta state of the game and also you can make friends with experienced who will give you some good tips. The key to doing well is to discuss and playtest with others!

2. Pick a Meta deck and practice with the same deck again and again until you have reached a point where you wont do any miss plays. Then you can slowly change one or two cards to cover the weakness of the deck. Players who often switch decks will find them self doing missplays more as they do not know their own deck as compared to players who master one deck. That being said, the deck you master must be a deck that consistently does well in the meta.

3. Knowing your match ups. When it comes to match ups, Certain decks can be very difficult for you to face against. For example, if you are playing a deck that looses to a certain deck in particular, it is advisable to include cards that will help you specifically in that match up and also has a beneficial effect in general. Such an example would be cards like "Loyalty". Another thing to note is that if you are playing one of the best decks in the meta such as Dimension Dragons now, then you should not worry about playing against rogue decks that much compared to meta decks that specifically counter Dimension Dragons. If a certain deck is considered meta, it is likely so because the deck has an edge over other decks. So instead of worrying about a certain rogue match that might beat you, it is more practical to main or side cards against other meta decks that can potentially beat you.

4. Controversial to what people may say, it is better to finalize your deck the night before regionals as that gives you more time to analyse the meta and come up with counter measures. Get a group of trustworthy friends and discuss with them the night before and then finalize your decklist. This has been one our most effective strategy.

5. Do not get paranoid about certain decks that you think might beat you. do not overthink about situations that rarely happen. Every strategy will have a counter to them, it is all about how easy it is for other decks to counter them. Lets say you are playing Gboost Garga based deck. The deck can be stopped easily by Buddyblock. However, you have to consider that not every deck will main deck Buddyblock and even if they do its highly unlikely that they will main more than two copies. So you have to understand that they have to even have it in their hand before they can counter you with it.  So getting paranoid about a certain situation and choosing not play a certain card or deck might end up causing you the tournament.

6. Reach the venue early and have a heavy breakfast and gets lots of sleep the previous night. your body and mind must be at their peak performance for you to do well and not do any missplays.

7. Always remember, This is a game about having fun! Do not be sad if you did not do well. Do not give up and keep on trying until you reach your goal. Never hold grudges and destroy your friendships because of the game. The only thing that matters is that you enjoyed the event together.

That sums up on our tips for preparing for regionals. if you think we missed anything important out do leave a comment!

Keep on Buddyfighting~

Friday, April 12, 2019

Mobile Aerial World?

Hey Buddyfighters! Its been ages since we posted and we are finally back with some interesting content. Recently, With all the overpowered META decks such as Max dragons and Dimension Dragons topping everywhere, Its difficult to find a interesting and non monotonous deck to play with. Do not fret yet Buddyfighters! Japan recently has invented  a new deck that has won a couple of times! Here is a decklist of the new deck.

The deck that has surfaced is Mobile Aerial Team(MAT). However, its not your ordinary build. It uses the BT02 card, Actor Knights the world's extra turn effect to prevent your opponent from getting a turn and ending the game during the extra turn as you are allowed to attack fully on that turn. With the great amount of toolboxing MAT has, its surprisingly easy to get to your combo pieces quickly and consistently.  The deck is deigned in a way that everything works very well together. Each card in the deck has its purpose and together they make the deck a force to be reckoned with.

So whats the game plan for this deck if you loose the dice roll? The original creator ("Kitayama") of this deck runs one holy Wehr Dragon which has the effect of reducing all damage by 5 the next turn if you were to buddycall it. By doing that, you have one extra turn to draw into your second win con, which is lost world. the deck filters and draws so much that the chances of you not drawing into lost world by turn 2 is almost zero. Unfortunalty, English players do not have access to this amazing PR card yet so we have to find some substitutes that give us defensive options.

Overall this may not be the go to deck in this format, but its definitely more fun compared to Dimension Dragons or Max dragons. And with Autumn fest still months away, we have ample time to experiment and have fun with the game.

We hope you guys enjoyed this article about the deck!

Keep on Buddyfighting~